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What is tooth whitening or bleaching?

Tooth whitening is a medical procedure performed to whiten the natural teeth with medically accepted techniques without removing your natural teeth.

Can tooth whitening completely change the shade of the teeth?

Tooth whitening cannot completely change the shade of teeth but will lighten the existing tooth shade.

How long does the whitening stay?

Tooth whitening can last up to three years but it also depends upon the patient’s intake of coloured drinks, chewing pan or smoking.

How can I do tooth whitening?

Tooth whitening can be performed at the clinic (professional tooth whitening) or the residence (home tooth whitening). During professional tooth whitening, the dentist will perform the procedure in office by using a custom-made tray in one or two appointments using a whitening agent. During the procedure the dentist will make sure your gums are isolated and protected from the whitening agents.

Home whitening is done by the patient himself over a period or 2-3 weeks. This is done by applying the whitening paste is applied on to the custom-made tray and placed in the patient’s mouth for 30 minutes to one hours.